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Whether your off-grid location is a choice or a necessity, power is important to you. You are responsible for the production of the energy you consume, and even when there’s no sun or wind, your batteries continue to deliver electricity. Unless you have a backup power system in place, eventually your battery bank drains and you are left powerless. For some this may not be cause for alarm, but even for off-grid consumers whose needs are fairly
simple, this is a dilemma that can become critical. How long can you go without basics such as heat and cooling, water, lights, and refrigeration?
Until now, alternative energy system backup options have typically been expensive, inadequately sized solutions adapted from other applications. Generac Power Systems, the pioneer in standby power and manufacturer of the #1 selling home standby generator, has changed all that.
Knowing an affordable, reliable, low-emission, off-grid backup power solution would fulfill a need in the marketplace, Generac engineered the EcoGen 6 kW to eliminate virtually all of the issues previously associated with renewable energy backup power options. Issues such as high fuel consumption, noise, and short product life have been eliminated by the only off-grid automatic standby generator to incorporate over 50 years of power generation expertise.
For more information, visit our renewable energy website here.